will make you and your family’s lives


Enduring counsel from many hundreds of Mormons

and prominent world persons

 will make your life not just average – but memorable!

Will the rest of your life be average or MEMORABLE?


will make the difference for you!

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Free downloads to build character, make more money, strengthen families, and end your stress.

Also Try:

Special excerpts selected from my journal collection of over 40 years. 

A guide to great personal happiness.


Personal contributors and hundreds of world leaders statements such as: Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Governor Gary Herbert, BYU Coach LaVell Edwards, Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, George S. Patton, Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, John Adams, Alexander Graham Bell

Bonus Download

The Restoration of the Gospel & Church of Jesus Christ

An inspiring testimony reinforcement

photo from lds.org


We Become What We Think About

If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results.

If you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results. 

We can think and learn much from those who have been truly successful and about how better to live, and how to make a better living. 

This priceless assemblage, in a purely positive way, will help guide you and those you love.

You may also visit: The Strangest Secret – Earl Nightingale.

Quotes are my specialty. I love them. I print them and give them to my kids and grandkids. I give them to my friends and people at church. I read them daily from various sources. This book is chock full of good, optimistic, motivational quotes. I feel motivated just reading through the pages. I keep it by my computer and spice my emails with them. Thanks to David Olpin for wanting to preserve good quotes for his sons which was his motivation for collecting and printing these quotes.


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